OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) can eat up your time and energy as your life starts revolving around your obsessions and compulsions. If OCD has you in its grip, the team at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan can help. At our offices, staff offers understanding, support, and practical help that enables you to overcome OCD. You can benefit from their expertise by calling the Pure Psychiatry of Michigan office or booking an appointment online today.

What is OCD?

OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is where you experience persistent, unwanted thoughts, feelings, or ideas that become obsessions. Trying to manage your obsessions makes you adopt actions or rituals that become compulsions.

Many people have a tendency to become obsessive about certain things or carry out compulsive behaviors without it being a significant problem. Wanting your desk to be clean and well-ordered or carrying out a specific ritual before a sports match aren’t a cause for concern.

However, if your obsessions and compulsions start to dominate your mind, you could have OCD — for example, unpleasant thoughts that are impossible to get out of your head and cause you significant distress; or compulsive behaviors that interfere with your ability to work or study.

What are common obsessions and compulsions?

Obsessions can come from anywhere and relate to anything that catches your mind. With OCD, they’re typically frightening or unpleasant. They may have no relation to your interests and feelings about other subjects, and often involve taboo areas.

Some common kinds of obsessions include:

  • Dirt and germs

  • Symmetry and precision

  • Violence

  • Religious ideas

  • Sexual acts

The compulsions you develop to cope with these obsessive thoughts usually involve performing repeated actions. For example, you might feel compelled to open and close a door or flick a light switch an exact number of times.

People with OCD often take a long time to complete everyday tasks because of their compulsions to check that doors are locked or electrical appliances are turned off. People with OCD that revolves around dirt and infection might spend ages washing their hands (to the point they bleed) or wiping everything down before touching it.

Some people with OCD understand their obsessions and compulsions have no basis in reality — that a disaster isn’t going to occur if they don’t turn a light switch off precisely 20 times before leaving a room. Others are unshakeable in their belief even when they see evidence proving they’re wrong.

How is OCD treated?

Treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are particularly valuable for people with OCD. CBT helps you understand your condition and take control of your thoughts.

Your therapist at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan works with you to develop strategies that help you cope with the problems OCD causes in everyday life so you can get back to productive work and study.

Psychotherapy is also useful for addressing the underlying causes of your OCD, such as traumatic memories that you didn’t process properly at the time. Medications like anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs can also help to regulate your mood.

To benefit from Pure Psychiatry of Michigan’s expertise in OCD, call their office or book an appointment online today.


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