Bipolar disorder is a potentially disabling illness that causes extreme shifts from manic episodes to depression. If you have symptoms that indicate you may be suffering from a mood disorder, the team at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan can help. At our offices, staff offers comprehensive evaluations and expert therapies to help you manage bipolar disorder to improve functionality and offer the highest possible quality of life. To find out what Pure Psychiatry of Michigan can do for you, call or go online today to book an appointment.

What is bipolar disorder?

Someone with bipolar disorder experiences alterations in mood from mania to depression that severely affect their ability to function in day-to-day life. There are three kinds of bipolar disorder:

Bipolar 1 disorder 

Bipolar 1 disorder is the most serious type, causing dramatic mood changes. Manic episodes make you feel highly energized and cause symptoms such as:

  • Overconfidence

  • Racing thoughts 

  • Inflated self-esteem 

  • Minimal need for sleep

  • Talking loudly and quickly

  • Difficulties concentrating

  • Irritability

  • Taking on too much

  • Engaging in risky behaviors 

These manic episodes might last a few days or weeks before you crash into a deep depression. In the depressive phase of bipolar disorder, you might struggle to get out of bed and feel such intense despair you consider self-harm or suicide.

Bipolar II disorder

Bipolar II disorder isn’t as extreme as bipolar I. Typically the mania is less intense, although the depression can be as severe. In between the manic and depressive episodes, people with bipolar II disorder have periods where they feel pretty normal.

Cyclothymic disorder

Cyclothymic disorder is a less severe type of bipolar. If you have this condition, you’ll probably experience regular shifts between hypomania (a less severe form of mania) and mild to moderate depression.

What causes bipolar disorder?

The precise cause of bipolar disorder is uncertain. However, genetics is likely to be an important influence — up to 90% of people with this condition have at least one relative with bipolar disorder or depression. Other risk factors that increase your chances of developing bipolar disorder include: 

  • Substance abuse

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Extreme stress 

  • Insufficient or poor-quality sleep

Bipolar disorder usually starts causing symptoms before you reach 18, but it sometimes develops in older people. Pure Psychiatry of Michigan has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating bipolar disorder in people of all ages.

How is bipolar disorder treated?

As every patient’s experience of bipolar disorder is unique to them, your provider at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan takes an individualized approach to designing your treatment program.

You might need to take medications called mood stabilizers to stop the changes from mania to depression from being so extreme. Other medications like anticonvulsants, antidepressants, or antipsychotics might be necessary for some patients.

Talk therapy is the other primary element of bipolar disorder treatment. Psychotherapy helps you deal with emotional problems in your life that make your condition worse. Behavioral approaches like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) help you learn practical ways of dealing with your symptoms.

When you find the correct balance of medication and supportive therapies, bipolar disorder becomes far more manageable and needn’t take over your life. Call Pure Psychiatry of Michigan today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.


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