ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) begins in early childhood but often causes lifelong challenges. If you or your child has symptoms that could be due to ADHD, the team at Pure Psychiatry of Michigan can help. At our offices, our staff offers diagnostic tests and supportive therapies that help patients of all ages manage their ADHD more successfully. To find out more, call or go online today to book an appointment.

What is ADHD? 

The behavioral condition ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) begins in childhood but continues to cause problems into adulthood. The nature of the symptoms can change over time but stem from difficulties with focus and concentration, needing constant activity, or a mixture of the two.

Children with ADHD are often disruptive at school or fail to join in, which affects their grades and frequently gets them into trouble. Unfortunately, some children don’t get a diagnosis and continue to struggle as they get older and try to find work.

Pure Psychiatry of Michigan can help both children and adults with ADHD.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

There are three kinds of ADHD. Primarily inattentive ADHD causes problems such as:

  • Inability to pay attention

  • Making careless mistakes

  • Difficulties completing tasks

  • Unresponsiveness when spoken to

  • Trouble following instructions

  • Frequently losing things

  • Lack of organizational skills

  • Being easily distracted

  • Forgetfulness

Primarily hyperactive/impulsive ADHD causes problems like fidgeting and difficulties sitting still, a need to move all the time, and an inability to be quiet or wait patiently. Children with this type of ADHD are likely to exhibit disruptive behavior at home and school.

The most common type of ADHD features a combination of inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms.

How is ADHD diagnosed?

The kinds of symptoms that affect children with ADHD are behaviors that most kids display at times. After all, few children go through life without getting distracted, not wanting to do their homework, or behaving inappropriately now and then. Therefore, if you suspect your child has ADHD, it’s vital to get a professional diagnosis.

Symptoms of ADHD start in early childhood and are present all the time. So if your child has a phase of being difficult, that doesn’t necessarily mean they have ADHD. There are also other mental health and behavioral disorders that can cause similar symptoms.

At Pure Psychiatry of Michigan, the experienced providers use ADHD questionnaires and talk to you and/or your child to make an accurate diagnosis.

How is ADHD treated?

Stimulant medication can be highly beneficial for people with ADHD. The medicine works by increasing the chemical transmitters in your brain that help you moderate your behavior. If you also have problems like depression or anxiety, medications can also help with these.

The other primary treatment for ADHD is behavior therapy. Your therapist helps you learn how to manage your ADHD and reduce the stress it causes in everyday life. Additional educational support is also important for children and students with ADHD.

To find out how to manage ADHD successfully, call Pure Psychiatry of Michigan today or book an appointment online.


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